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Definitions - What do all the terms mean?

Tristan Bennett

Updated: May 24, 2021

Upon looking in the meat-free section, you will notice different terms. Here, all is explained...

Vegetarian (sometimes referred to as veggie) - An individual who's diet consists of no products that come from, or are a, by-product of slaughter, or fishing. Dairy products can be eaten, as can honey.

Vegan - Similar to a vegetarian, however products from animals are also avoided, so the eating of eggs and dairy is not permitted.

Pescatarian - An intriguing one this, not a diet taken for animal rights. The only meat permitted is seafood, otherwise the diet is vegetarian.

Lifestyle Vegan - Eats as vegan, but extends the no use of animals to day to day life. An example would be avoiding beeswax polish, or the wearing of leather.

Hopefully this has put you all in the know. Obviously, all vegan products are also vegetarian. When shopping it is worth noting that not all products which appear to have animal products, such as chicken flavour crisps, actually do. It is worth checking the packet to see it if it is veggie or vegan.


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